Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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U.S Immigration News

Attorney Famuyide Wins Green Card For Rehabilitated Drug Addict After Many Convictions

Attorney wins for drug

It took about 5years to accomplish, at some point, deportation seemed imminent. The Service filed voluminous record of many convictions all for drug possession and use, it was an emotional rollercoaster case with many sides, but at the end, Attorney Famuyide won. 

The easiest way to forfeit permanent resident status in the United States is to get involved with controlled substance of any kind. The U.S. immigration law is very strict on this issue. Many immigrants without...

Read more: Attorney Famuyide Wins Green Card For Rehabilitated Drug Addict After Many Convictions


Petition For Your Family Members Now, Tomorrow Might Be Too Late As Congress Plans To Limit Family-Based Migration

petition for your family

With the current wave of anti-immigrant rhetoric’s, the Trump administration will try to change the U.S. Immigration laws to prevent many groups of immigrants from migrating to the United States. All immigrants must take advantage of the existing laws to petition for their loved ones before it is too late.

President Trump’s style of leadership is to seek to please his base voters without minding the damage such move will do to the economy of the United States. It has always been the wish of his base voters to shut the doors of immigration and reduce the access to the United States through family based migration. Many in the anti-immigration movement believe that immigrants are responsible for all the...

Read more: Petition For Your Family Members Now, Tomorrow Might Be Too Late As Congress Plans To Limit Family-Based Migration


In Defense of The Immigrant's Wife


One of the prevalent problems in most third war countries and in fact, all the developing economies of the world is unemployment. Young men and women who should be earning a living cannot secure employment, not for lack of requisite skill, educational or professional qualification but because their economies cannot afford them a job that will put a roof on their heads, food on their tables and even the cheapest clothes on their bodies. Those who are lucky to get a job cannot earn enough to cater for their basic needs. It is only few well connected individuals that get the scarcely available good jobs. This problem propels a...

Read more: In Defense of The Immigrant's Wife


Attorney Famuyide Wins Follow To Join Immigration Case

attorny wins

Due to the huge cost of obtaining permanent resident status in the United States, even when an immigrant is eligible, many immigrants are resulting to using credit cards and borrowing to foot the bill of trying to obtain legal statuses in the U.S. In many instances, families are separated, with an advance party sent forth to raise money for the rest of the family to join later. This was the case of the family of five recently assisted by Attorney Famuyide.

It was a petition filed by an aged mother for her married daughter with three children. It took over 10 years...

Read more: Attorney Famuyide Wins Follow To Join Immigration Case


Eagerness of God

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He Can't Leave Me

He Can't Leave Me

One day the disciples of Jesus were traveling in a boat with Him, but suddenly a tempest arose and continued to the point of almost capsizing the boat. They became so afraid for their lives that they...


Inner Sight

Inner Sight

My experience has shown that Jesus has never been far away from mankind, [of course, I refer to those who have surrendered their lives to Him], contrary to what many people think. I have come to realize...


Key To A Successful

Key To A Successful

First I want to inform you that the mind of God for this year is to fulfill His covenant of love in your live. There is nothing the devil can do, you will succeed this year, as the Lord lives. Let me...



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Education & Kids

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Ask Lisa Anne- September 17

Ask Lisa Anne- September 17

Q.   I am a 6th grade teacher and I have a concern.  Some of my students approach me to        hug me and to receive hugs.  My students are from low income...


Ask Lisa Anne - NOV 2016

Ask Lisa Anne - NOV 2016

Q.  My son has just entered 4th grade and he complains every day that he doesn’t like his new teacher. At first, I thought he would adjust but now he seems to be very upset every day. I don’t...




When Should I Let My Teen Drive?   be 16 soon and wants to learn to drive.  I’m scared to let him drive so young when I hear about so many accidents lately.  When should I let him learn to drive...


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