Friday, September 20, 2024
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USCIS Provides Immigration Relief for Citizens of Ebola Ravaging Countries

ebola reliefAll immigrants and non-immigrants in the United States from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone must read this article and act appropriately.

This is to inform the general public that the U.S. government has been magnanimous enough to grant some temporary relief to citizens of countries currently being ravaged by Ebola virus who are at the moment in the United States. Even though the relief falls short of the temporary protected status granted to the Haitians during the earthquake, it is a step in the right direction to assist some of the citizens of the affected countries who are currently in the United States.

According to the Press Release by the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services dated August 15, 2014, “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is closely monitoring the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. USCIS offers relief measures to nationals of those three countries who are currently in the United States.

Immigration relief measures that may be available if requested include:

  • Change or extension of nonimmigrant status for an individual currently in the United States, even if the request is filed after the authorized period of admission has expired;
  • Extension of certain grants of parole made by USCIS;
  • Expedited adjudication and approval, where possible, of requests for off-campus employment authorization for F-1 students experiencing severe economic hardship;
  • Expedited processing of immigrant petitions for immediate relatives (currently in the United States) of U.S. citizens;
  • Expedited adjudication of employment authorization applications, where appropriate; and
  • Consideration for waiver of fees associated with USCIS benefit applications.

One important part of this offer is that anyone from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone who petitioned for their loved ones abroad to come and join them in the U.S. might have their petition expedited and adjudicated quickly as part of this relief package.

It is still hoped that the United States government will eventually grant temporary protected status to citizens of this countries due to the recent report by the World Health Organization that by January 2015, it is estimated that Ebola virus might have infected over 500,000 people in West Africa.

To date, it appears that Nigeria has successful contained the spread of the deadly virus as compared to these other countries in West Africa.

If you are in the U.S. from these three countries on a visitor’s visa, you might also be able to extend your stay in the U.S. as part of this relief package. Also students from these countries might be able to obtain employment authorization to work off-campus as part of the relief if they are able to show hardship.

If you need to apply for any of the Ebola virus relief, please contact the Law Office of Attorney Famuyide immediately for assistance.

This article is for your information only. It is not a representation of any future outcome. If you need an immigration attorney, please feel free to contact Attorney Famuyide immediately at 718-647-6767 or send email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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